Using container registries

A container registry is a storage and content delivery system, holding named Docker images, available in different tagged versions.

Users can connect to Docker registries from the following sources:

Azure Container Registry

This option requires the Azure Account extension to be able to connect to your Azure account and display all of the different subscriptions and registries. Once authenticated, the node Azure will display the subscriptions along with registries each have:

Azure Container Registry

For each registry, users have different actions that can be performed using the context menu:

Azure registry context menu

For each repository in a given registry, here are the actions that can be performed:

Azure repository context menu

For each tagged image in a repository, here are the actions that can be performed:

Azure image context menu

Docker Hub

This connects to Docker Hub and lists all of the repositories and images under the given account. Once you select this option, you will be required to type in your Docker Hub credentials.

Docker Hub

For each repository in the Docker Hub registry, here are the actions that can be performed:

For each tagged image in a repository, here are the actions that can be performed:


This connects to Docker registries in your GitLab account. Once you select this option, you will be required to type in your GitLab account credentials.


For each repository in the GitLab registry, here are the actions that can be performed:

For each tagged image in a repository, here are the actions that can be performed: